Your Guide to Green Home Cleaning

If you’re interested in green home cleaning, this guide will help you find eco-friendly cleaning products and procedures, and green cleaning services if you need professional cleaning. With the effects of climate change never more apparent, as well as more studies emerging that show the toxic effects of household products, it is a great time to get started with green home cleaning. Whether you clean your own home or call in a professional cleaning company, this guide will help you learn about eco-friendly cleaning products, procedures, and services. If you need professional eco-friendly cleaning in Portland, Oregon, we got you covered with our green cleaning services for homes and businesses. Our skilled team will make your home shine while preserving your health and the environment.

What Is Green Home Cleaning?

Before we get started, you may be wondering what exactly is green home cleaning. Eco-friendly home cleaning – or green home cleaning – uses eco-friendly products, materials, and procedures that use environmentally friendly ingredients and protocols designed to preserve the quality of the environment and protect human health. In contrast with traditional home cleaning, which often uses harsh chemicals and produces a lot of waste, green cleaning reduces the negative impacts on the environment and safeguards human (and pet) health. If you have allergies, are immune compromised, or have pets or children in your home, green cleaning is especially important to protect your home.

Effects of Harsh Cleaning Chemicals

Traditional cleaning products often have harmful effects on the environment and human and pet health. According to the American Lung Association, many cleaning supplies can cause headaches, respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and irritation to the skin, eyes, and throat. Some household cleaners also release dangerous chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which contribute to chronic respiratory problems, headaches, and allergic reactions.

Cleaning products that may contain VOCs and other harsh chemicals include aerosol sprays, air fresheners, chlorine bleach, detergent, dishwashing liquid, furniture polish, floor polish, oven cleaners, and rug cleaners. The substances that have VOCs contribute to poor air quality and can be hazardous to human and pet health, triggering respiratory reactions.

Harsh cleaning chemicals also take a toll on the environment. Many chemicals used in common cleaning products biodegrade slowly or become more toxic over time, which threatens aquatic life when the cleaning products are disposed of in sewage systems and trash. VOCs also affect air quality and contribute to smog formation in outdoor air.

Green Home Cleaning Options

There are ways to reduce or eliminate the effects of toxic cleaning products in your home. First, you can use some simple home cleaning options instead of harsh chemicals. Try warm water and soap or baking soda to get out dirt and surface stains and clean surfaces. Try using a mix of vinegar and water to clean glass surfaces instead of glass cleaning products.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

To perform a green home cleaning, you can swap out harsh cleaning products for eco-friendly ones. It can be hard to discern what’s a safe cleaning product when so many claim to be “green,” so these tips will help you. First, you will need to do a little research beyond package claims. Manufacturers are not obligated by U.S. law to list all ingredients in consumer products, according to the American Lung Association. Therefore it’s important to do your research and look beyond a “green” label. Luckily, the Environmental Protection Agency has a labeling system that distinguishes truly eco-friendly cleaning products and household products.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Safer Choice program helps consumers find environmentally safe products. Look for cleaning products with this label as they have been tested and approved for their safety for humans and the environment. To qualify for a Safer Choice label, a product must pass rigorous testing of each ingredient by EPA scientists and meet safety criteria including carcinogenicity, reproductive/developmental toxicity, toxicity to aquatic life, and persistence in the environment. Products with the Safer Choice label also have safer packaging that does not harm the environment.

Another label that is especially helpful to look for in cleaning products is the EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE) label on antimicrobial products such as disinfectants and sanitizers. These products must meet strict safety standards for ingredients, performance, packaging, human health, and environmental safety. Cleaning products that feature the DfE label are safer and less toxic than the majority of general cleaning products on the market.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Procedures

You can also take some precautions with cleaning procedures when you do a green home cleaning. Here are some tips to preserve the environment and your health:

  • Keep areas well-ventilated when you clean. Open windows and doors and never use cleaning products in a small, enclosed space.
  • Use old brushes and rags for cleaning. You can recycle your old toothbrushes and even clothing and use them to clean with. When you are done, simply clean your brushes and rags and they will be ready to reuse.
  • Use baking soda as a multi-purpose cleaner. You can use baking soda to neutralize odors, clean surfaces, keep fridge smells at bay, and even clean the toilet. Use a cup of baking soda and one cup of white vinegar in your toilet as a cleaner.
  • Refresh air naturally with herbs, plants, and spices. Skip toxic air fresheners and boil some cinnamon or herbs or bake something sweet to release a delicious aroma in your home. Also, have indoor plants in your home to improve air quality.
  • Hire a green cleaning service for help with deep cleaning and other household cleaning needs. A green cleaning company will have the professional tools needed to clean your home best while employing eco-friendly cleaning procedures.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Services

If you need eco-friendly cleaning in Portland, Oregon, we offer green home cleaning services and green commercial cleaning. Whether you need a deep clean for your home, carpet cleaning, or regular home cleanings, we offer eco-friendly cleaning services using the best eco-friendly cleaning products and procedures. Schedule a green home cleaning today and rest assured that your home will be sparkling clean and a healthy place to live thanks to our skilled eco-friendly cleaners.